
New Arizona Immigration Law - No Bueno

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Law & Border
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I've never been to Mexico. I don't care to go. I don't like Mexico. It seems dirty. They gave us killer bees and bad lettuce at Taco Bell.

That being said, this new immigration law in Arizona is terrible. Basically, the law states that a cop can stop anyone he/she thinks is an illegal alien and demand documentation proving otherwise.

How Nazi is that? I don't know that many cops, but of the ones I do, a large percentage (not all) of them aren't very smart. What makes us believe these guys will be able to tell an illegal immigrant from a legal one?

I'm all for kicking every illegal alien out of the country. I'll pay more in taxes so we can hire a hell of a lot more border patrol. You know what I'm not for? Harassing innocent Americans. Leave them be. Unfortunately, we have bigger problems than these illegal aliens. Can we fix public schooling? Can we get this Iraq/Afghanistan shit done?

The Phoenix Suns will be making a political statement (really just a PR move) by wearing their Los Suns jerseys today (Cinco de Mayo).

1 comment:

  1. I have read the NEW LAW in Arizona and think its a great idea. The way its written is that if a person performs an unlawful act the police can ask for verification of citizenship. Any LEGAL immigrant will tell you that when you get your citizenship they tell you always have two forms of I.D. to prove you are legal. its the same situation as people that hate cops, those people are 95% of the time criminals. Same case here, the people scared of the law are the ILLEGAL CRIMINALS. I think its great they plan to finally enforce a Federal law that has been in place for a long time. Arizona is full of crime, murder, drugs, and the kidnapping capital of the world. Funny enough the old capital was Mexico City, I guess they all moved to Arizona. I think they should go home and wait in like like the other 100,000 Mexicans that came in legally last year. thats my rant!

    Oh yeah, and I also would like to see them change the law so that if a baby is born to an ILLEGAL Immigrant in the USA that they are not an American citizens and they will need to go on back with there parents.
