
God (or Buddha, Allah,Vishnu, etc...) is a funny dude.

For those of you who'd never heard of Dallas Braden before this year, join the crowd. I'm not a baseball expert, but I keep up with it and I'd never heard his name.

In late April, Braden was the starting pitcher for the A's when they faced the Yankees. Alex Rodriguez went from first to third on a ball that ended up being foul. On his return to first, A-Rod jogged over the pitcher's mound. Braden took offense to this. I guess it's one of baseball's unwritten rules. The mound belongs to the pitcher. This altercation is what inspired me to blog about baseball's idiosyncrasies a little while back.

Now, how did A-Rod respond in the media? "I'd never quite heard that," said Rodriguez. "Especially from a guy that has a handful of wins in his career."

Well, on Sunday, Dallas Braden threw baseball's 19th perfect game. A feat like this is rare, to say the least. A-Rod will be in the Hall of Fame and Braden probably won't be. I still feel like Braden's perfect game is more impressive than A-Rod's career. I'll only change my opinion if Braden admits to steroids.

The best part of the entire situation? Braden's
grandmother's quote after the perfect game,
"Stick it, A-Rod!"

TRIVIA: (If you don't know, that's fine. Don't cheat and look it up.)

What 4 MLB teams have multiple
perfect games in their history?
Respond in comments.

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