
Movie Characters

  Question:  If you could be any movie character, who would it be?
RULE: You can't have superpowers.

  My top 3:
1. Ty Webb (Chevy Chase in Caddyshack)
2. Erwin Fletcher (Chevy Chase in Fletch)
3. Crash Davis (Kevin Costner in Bull Durham)

  I promise I don't have a mush on Chevy Chase, he just always plays cool characters.  

1 comment:

  1. My top 3:

    1) Scarlet O'Hara (Vivien Leigh, Gone with the Wind)
    2) Rusty Ryan (Brad Pitt, Ocean's Eleven - not Twelve or Thirteen...just Eleven!)
    3) Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit? - c'mon...she's physically impossible, but a girl can dream!)

    P.S. You totally have a mush on Chevy. Don't try to put some lame cover-up disclosure line on here. We all know! : )
