
Just Another Day at the Office

I started a new job on the 3rd of this month. I work at a place called APMEX (American Precious Metals Exchange - www.APMEX.com). Anyway, as an employee recognition thing, the boss decided to send an employee and guest on a 4-day, 3-night vacation anywhere in the contiguous U.S. This prize included airfare, hotel, rental car, and spending cash. It's a great idea.

Now, it gets interesting. I had only been working there for about two weeks when the list of eligible employees was released. I was one of the 70 names. Great, I thought. The HR lady would draw names from a hat and if your name was picked you were out of the running. This kept everyone interested (until their name showed up on the e-mail). As the names were drawn, my name stayed in the hat. For two days, I was still in it. Everyone had worked there longer than I had, but I was still in it. You should've heard some of the threats I got from fellow APMEXers. "If you win, I'll make sure you don't enjoy your job." "I'll kick you in the nuts before you leave." I laughed them off.

I'm pretty sure they were kidding, but not positive. It was cutthroat. I kept telling myself, "You won't win. Don't get your hopes up." But my name was still there. I made the final 20. Then I was in the final 10. It was so close. The hate e-mail got furious. I asked for help with something and was ignored. Nobody that likes me would talk to me. It was like I was in the 8th inning of a no-hitter. Then I heard it. DING! New e-mail. Was this it? Was I eliminated?

Yes. I was. The end.

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